Visual Artist
Based in New York City and specializing in oil painting and portraiture
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Kelsey Heffernan
Kelsey Heffernan has been painting for most of her life but truly found her passion for portrait painting in high school after her first painting was chosen for a show. She took this passion and pursued a Fine Arts degree at Towson University. She graduated in May 2018 with a Painting, Printmaking and Drawing concentration and an Art History minor. Her paintings explore themes of femininity while highlighting the differences and similarities between the realistic tangible world and the more surreal space one finds in thoughts and dreams. Her art has brought her many opportunities that she is very grateful for, such as participating in solo and group exhibitions, interning at the Baltimore Museum of Art and the opportunity to spend a semester studying painting in Florence. When she is not painting, she can be found doing yoga, going to shows, or practicing flow art.